Monday, September 24, 2012

I Confess Monday

I confess....

Foo Fighters was super fun this weekend!!!!

I'm not sure Josh was ready for all that is the Waffle this weekend.
Dillon protected him though....

And I totally cheated on my elimination diet.  I thought I was all bad ass and doing great.... until yesterday afternoon.  
Say goodbye to French Fries :-(

I confess I would eat these every day even if I wasn't on an elimination diet

I confess this is how I felt this morning

Fun weekends lead to sad Monday mornings.  However,  I AM looking forward to this week.  A great bride is getting married this weekend.  She will be missed when we are done working together.

The season picks up this week!  Weddings will be my life for the next two months....



Susie Q

Thursday, September 20, 2012


- I may or may not have named my two humming birds Fred & Ginger.

- The Elimination diet has been figured out for the most part.  I've got a routine, and even found a dessert I can eat!  Peaches just need to stay in season forever now :-)

- I've lost 7 pounds from eating like a bird

- Husband got a promotion at work.  I'm so proud!

- Daisy has an ear infection #whatsnew

- I made a super awesome Halloween Wreath

- Wedding season is BACK!  I am booked from next weekend Until Thanksgiving... with just one weekend off.  #feelingblessed

- I will start adding foods back in next week..... very exciting!!!

What's new with you?? 

PS.  I promise, I'll get better at posting. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Oh Labor Day Week

Why is it that a short week always seems more stressful than a normal week?

Often, I think it's that we cram too much into one less day than in a normal week. 
This is how my week felt

It was a busy week.  Moving on...

I went to the Dr. this week too.  I allegedly have some stomach issues.  Issues that have been effecting my life.  Not feeling well most nights does not exactly lead to happy cohabitation.  Hubs loves me, but I've not been easy to live with lately.  I know. 

The Dr. put me on a STRICT elimination diet to try to figure out which foods are causing the issue.  So I'm eating like a bird for the next few weeks/months until I figure out what's causing the issues.

I went into a whole this week.  You'd be amazed at how much food effects your life!  When you're cutting out any food that might cause an allergy plus anything that might cause IBS you're essentially left with Chicken and some vegetables/fruits.  You can cook your chicken in oils, you can spice it up, but there is NO junk food, NO yummy cheese, NO yummy ice cream.... sad face :-(

However, I know that there are worse things in this world.  In the big picture, this is microscopic.   However, it still sucks.  Most of the foods I need to cut out are the foods I eat multiple times a day.  There's a lot of pinning and googling in my future for new meal ideas!

It's going to be a long journey, but I am excited for the end.  To be able to know what's causing my issues and feel better. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

I have a friend....

 And when he's done eating he comes and hangs out with me outside my office window. 

He's a cute little bugger.  I will miss him when winter comes, but for now I enjoy his super fast flying and his visits on the wire. 

Do you think I can domesticate him???? 

... J/k guys, J/K


Susie Q
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